Message from people who matter

Prof.(Dr.) Sushmita Bhatnagar

Quality in healthcare is multidimensional of which 3 areas are considered as core dimensions of healthcare quality. Taking these into account, FEQH alongwith AMC has designed this innovative competition so that we all can interact, learn from each other and be with each other on the path to excellence.

Dr.Lalit Kapoor

Excellent and innovative initiative by FEQH. Will certainly raise the bar for higher standards in quality health care and help mount an image make-over for Nursing Homes .Best wishes for the initiative.

Dr.SV Datar

As working with the auditor with FEQH, I have seen challenges faced by Nursing Homes and small hospitals in implementing infection control protocols. This competition will enable the nursing homes to showcase and share their best practices in infection control.

Dr.DV Lele

If we look up the word “compete” in the dictionary, we will discover that it means to “strive or seek together.” Participating in a good competition is beneficial as it brings the best out of us. Competition provides motivation to learn, improve, work hard to give the best performance and to grow.

Mr. PP Gadgil, President FEQH

During working with Nursing Homes, I observed that they lack correct knowledge of Infection Control Practices and hence though of conducting this competition whereby people can gain knowledge about correct practices and showcase them. The purpose of this competition is to encourage, learning and team building amongst Nursing Homes.